Port of Rostov

Port of Rostov

TAS provides ship chandler services in the port of Rostov. We provide food, household goods, quality maintenance of any type of vessel.

We offer favorable prices, individual conditions for regular customers. We work around the clock, seven days a week. We deliver orders within the framework of the contract, we offer a large selection of positions. Make a list of necessary things, call by phone and place your order today.

Food and shelf life products

Here you can order food for your crew and passengers. Large selection of items from foreign and domestic manufacturers, competitive prices.  Shipchandler services in the port of Rostov will allow you to receive the following goods:

  • Milk products;
  • Sausages and meat;
  • Any type of bread;
  • Drinks without alcohol;
  • Vegetables and fresh fruits;
  • Seafood and fish.

All products are carefully selected, have high quality and GOST certification. Delay, non-compliance with order forms is excluded. We strictly control the quality of goods that reach our customers.

You can order long-term storage products, fresh food from us. Everything you need for meals on board will be delivered to you on board as part of the contract. The preliminary prices for the service will show the price .


We provide full technical service for ships of various types. Passenger ships, yachts, tankers, refrigerators can receive technical assistance and goods from us that are needed for the maintenance of mechanisms.

We can order:

  1. Materials for rescue operations.
  2. Lubricants.
  3. Consumables.
  4. Small appliances, tool kits, inventory.
  5. Ship equipment and spare parts.

Additionally, you can use the services of our partners for additional equipment of the vessel and check its performance. Cleaning of the underwater part of the hull, survey afloat and much more are available.

Need exclusive services and don’t know who to contact? Call us, tell us the situation, and we will figure out how we can help you. Shipchandler services will provide your vessel with all the necessary inventory and products that will be needed on the way.

Give us a call and place your order today. They will be delivered as agreed. Not ready to order now? Save our contacts and call at any time of the day.

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