Shipchandler Services

More than 7 years specializing in ship servicing

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Full supply

We supply ships with food of all types and groups

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Underwater work

Repair and cleaning of the underwater part of the hull, hydraulic works

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Our products and services for vessels in ports: Novorossiysk, Kavkaz, Temryuk, Tuapse, Rostov and Taman Get price
Our advantages
Always fresh food
Work 24/7
Flexible payment system and discounts
Customs clearance of documents
Certification of all food products
Taking into account and fulfilling the wishes of the client
Food to supply ships
Technical supply of ships

Private Shipchandler Company TAS has been on the maritime market since 2016 and provides its services in the ports of Novorossiysk, Temryuk, Kerch, Rostov, Taganrog, Tuapse and the port of Kavkaz.

We work with trusted domestic producers, so our products are always fresh and of high quality. During delivery, all products are in a refrigerated vehicle, so the products are delivered to the vessel fresh in a chilled state, and the meat is frozen.

Our services also include the technical supply of ships: rescue and fire fighting equipment, small equipment, instruments and tools , ship equipment and spare parts, oils, lubricants, ropes . Our partner provides diving operations of any level of complexity: survey of ships afloat, repair of the underwater hull, sealing of the sternwood and stock, cleaning of the underwater hull, hydrotechnical work, etc.

Our main principles are an individual approach to each client, speed of service and high quality of service.

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