
Port of Novorossiysk

Port of Novorossiysk

Integrated supply of ships in the port of Novorossiysk at any time of the day is real. TAS, a private ship chandler company, will provide your crew with everything they need.

Upon request, we will check the technical serviceability of the vessel, deliver fuel, and execute exclusive orders. Call the indicated numbers, we will provide ship chandler services in Novorossiysk on time, without delay or delay.

Food of any type and quality

We order fresh vegetables, meat, long-term storage products, alcohol, groceries and much more. Products are natural, high quality, affordable. We have our own database of suppliers with whom we have been working for years. You get tasty, safe meals for your crew at competitive prices.

It is possible to receive ship chandler services on individual terms. We take into account the interests of each client, we know how to negotiate, we do not miss important details.

Goods for household services

We will pick up and deliver industrial goods for your vessel. Household chemicals, dishes, stationery, bed linen, electronics and appliances. We will bring everything you need to organize a comfortable life for the crew and passengers.

Shipchandler services in Novorossiysk can be exclusive. There are no impossible tasks for us. Tell us about your needs, and we will bring everything you need within the agreed time. We work around the clock.

Vessel maintenance

Need to do ship maintenance, repair work, get spare parts? Give us a call and we will send a team of craftsmen to you. Our partners perform diving operations of any degree of complexity.

We make full technical supply of ships on favorable terms. Upon request, any work will be performed from the technical support and verification of the vessel’s systems.

You can order works of this type:

  • Cleaning and washing;
  • Electrical installation;
  • Lubricants;
  • Control and diagnostic;
  • filling stations;
  • Other.

All work is carried out by qualified personnel, without the need to bring the vessel to the workshop.

Order ship chandler services in the port of Novorossiysk

Need products, vessel diagnostics, household goods? Call the phone on the site at any convenient time. We work around the clock! We will find, collect and deliver everything you need for a comfortable life.

It is possible to order individual services. We work within the framework of agreements, without delays and excuses. You will have everything you need the day you apply. Call today.

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